Little Big Town – 11.15.16
The “Better Man” group called me this morning, they’re so excited about their residency at The Ryman! Listen as we talk about that, along with their tour bus fast food weakness, which Chicago deep dish pizza they prefer & more ——>
Tim McGraw & Faith Hill – 10.07.16
It’s been a long time (ten years!) since Tim McGraw & Faith Hill have gone on tour together, and it’s happening again in 2017 ::: so excited!
Listen below as the guys called to chat about their tour, their 20th anniversary date night last night, if they’d ever star in a movie together, who came up with the idea to put Milk Duds on their popcorn (!) & soooooooooo much more ——->
William Michael Morgan – 09.30.16
I am such a fan of him and he is having a huge week … his new album “Vinyl” is out today, his hit “I Met A Girl” is almost at #1 and he called me today from Las Vegas!
Listen below as we chat about his mentor in the business, how he envisioned his life, his go-to cheat meal for the weekend, the last celebrity who surprised him when the person knew who he was & much more:
Granger Smith – 09.09.16
Before Granger Smith’s show at Joe’s Live in Rosemont tonight, he stopped by to hang for the entire hour during #DrewsHOTLunch !!
Listen below as we chatted about life on the farm, how many overalls he actually owns (you’ll be surprised!), who he’s loving in Nashville these days, his take on Tony Romo and the NFL and fantasy football this season plus so much more:
Frankie Ballard – 08.10.16
Frankie Ballard called me this morning from Sturgis, S.D. (it’s Bike Week!) to talk about his initiative with Allstate on motorcycle safety, the new album “El Rio”, what he gets fired up about, why he told Kip Moore & Chris Stapleton that he’d “knock it out of the park!” and much more ————->
Chris Lane – 08.05.16
Chris Lane’s new album “Girl Problems” is out today, we’ll see him Sunday night in Tinley Park opening for Rascal Flatts & he called us this morning to chat about a lot!
Hear him describe his mantra for the bus with 10 guys (!) in a confined space, why he’s mad that Jordan was picked on The Bachelorette, life goals in 2016 & so much more ——->
Kelsea Ballerini – 08.04.16
We’ll see Kelsea Ballerini Sunday night with Rascal Flatts & Chris Lane, LOVE that she got up early and called us this morning!
Listen below as she tells us about her Netflix FIX these days, what’s happening backstage on tour, what drink she’s willing to try with us on Sunday night and much more —————>
Jake Owen – 08.02.16
Jake Owen called us early this morning to talk about his first memory of US*99 ten years ago (and what THEFT occurred at O’Hare during that visit), his elevator selfie moment that didn’t happen, why the songs on “American Love” mean the most to him & so much more —–>
Miranda Lambert – 07.21.16
Love getting a phone call from one of country music’s biggest stars, especially when we get to see her & Kip Moore & Brothers Osbourne next weekend!
Listen below as Miranda talks about the vibe of what she was thinking in her new hit “Vice,” the summer cocktail that is the definition of perfection for her, the #TBT song preference on her setlist, how she feels about Snapchat filters & more:
Lady Antebellum – 06.15.16
Lady Antebellum is our Friday night headliner for the US*99.5 Windy City Lake Shake, kicking off in less than 2 days!
Charles Kelley called me this afternoon to chat about why Chicago fans are their #1 all year long, why he might be addicted to Face Swap, why mushrooms DO belong on his Chicago deep dish pizza & so much more:
Brandy Clark – 06.13.16
Brandy Clark has been an amazing songwriter in Nashville for years, having written songs for Miranda Lambert, Kacey Musgraves, Reba, Darius Rucker and Billy Currington. Last Friday, she released her second solo album “Big Day In A Small Town” and it is incredible!
She called me yesterday to chat about life, the new album, why live TV is scary plus how her City Winery Chicago show next month will be one of her favorites ::: listen and enjoy below:
Dan & Shay – 06.03.16
The new album “Obsessed” is available everywhere today and the guys gave us a quick call from backstage in Tampa, Florida!
Listen below as we chat about the new album, the hashtag that Keith Urban created & texted to them, what’s on their cell phone playlist, why Chicago is truly #1 (the fun fact of the day!), whether they’d go on a dating reality TV show themselves (after performing on one!) and much more:
Old Dominion – 05.17.16
Old Dominion gave me a buzz this afternoon to chat about life!
Listen as all five guys tell us about the “dirt” they have on Kenny Chesney, why it feels so good to be them right now, what the difference is between a “car geek and actually seeing the Delorean” [from their “Break Up With Him” video], why Steve Harvey is their current TV obsession & more:
Chris Young – 05.06.16
Always fun to chat with Chris Young, and this time around, I had no idea why he was calling the show!
Listen below to our full conversation about why he loves Cassadee Pope so much, his feelings on his Dallas Cowboys from the NFL draft last weekend in Chicago, his #TBT fashion regret and much more ——>
The cast of ABC’s Nashville – 04.21.16
What a fun morning to get a phone call from the cast of ABC’s hit show Nashville, and it’s not just a couple of the stars … Clare Bowen (Scarlett), Jonathan Jackson (Avery), Aubrey Peeples (Layla) and Chris Carmack (Will)!
Listen below as they chat with Drew about the upcoming Rosemont Theatre show on the 30th, their overseas tour, their musical challenges on the show, Will’s bad jokes and much more ——>
Charles Kelley – 04.13.16
Charles is in town tomorrow night for a show at the House of Blues (tickets still available HERE), and he gave me a call today from his tour bus to talk about a lot!
Listen as we chat about what happened in Vegas this year for the *first time ever*, who has the longer tour rider between him and his brother Josh, what fashion trend Luke Bryan stole from him, what his “cool & creepy” experience was with Tom Petty & Stevie Nicks in LA and much more:
Kelsea Ballerini – 02.04.16
I love great surprises, so seeing Kelsea Ballerini walk into the studio just after 12:15p caused me to do a double-take …
Listen below as we talk about her selfie skills (I learn something new every day!), her go-to Chinese order for lunch, why her life does not suck right now, her favorite #TBT hit, what she loves to cover on stage and so much more:
Sam Hunt – 01.28.16
Sam Hunt gave me a quick call this morning from Nashville to chat about our Windy City Lake Shake festival in June, on sale now HERE (click).
Already awake with a cup of coffee down, we also talked about the Grammys, his favorite Girl Scout cookie, the celeb he met recently that put stars in his eyes, what he’s NEVER done before (!) and so much more …